Nsauditor Network Security Auditor - Advanced All-In-One Network Tools Suite!
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Firewalls are one of the most important tools providing network security. A firewalled system is an automated process blocking possible attacks and does not require much of human interference.
The essence of firewall is in the ability to track the source of every file circulating in the local area network for solving the matter of “undesirable” viruses.
Personal firewall is a technology that helps to prevent intruders from accessing data on your PC via the Internet or another network, by keeping unauthorized data from entering or exiting your system. Hackers don't just target national global organizations. They focus on tax returns, network passwords, bank account numbers. Although a firewall is sufficient enough to keep intruders from accessing your system remotely, it is necessary for you to make certain by visiting a Web site that will test your system and try to find Internet security deficiencies just the way a cracker would.
Preparing to make life even more difficult for hackers with the launch of its latest security offering Nsauditor Network Security Auditor is representing a complete networking utilities package that includes a wide range of tools for network auditing, scanning, monitoring and more. It can also audit password and security policies as well as make a variety of network attack probes, such as stealth port scans, HTTP / CGI server auditing, registry auditing. The program can sniff and use brute-force and dictionary attacks on LM and NTLM password hashes and expose the insecure ones. All these advantages not only makes it easier to deal with different computing programs but also secures their functioning.
Different companies take certain measures of protection from hackers. On the whole the principle is the same. First, making sure your network is clean by browsing there for possible flaws and secondly, taking countermeasures for elliminating intrusions from aside. For example, Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliances) firewalls are the newest technology in firewall solutions put out by Cisco which are represented both as a firewall and an anti-malware appliance.
The need for the of information circulation around the planet for the people to make use of and share has given rise to networking, its tools and applications. Networking has become a core center since the Networked world, where every-every thing is available on-line and without remote boundaries has made everything possible for us to reach thousands of kilometres away!
That is why I consider it very crucial to secure it and beware of Malicious Hackers.


Article Submited by Karine Iskandaryan

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Network Security Auditor
Nsauditor is a complete networking utilities package that includes more than 45 network tools and utilities for network auditing, scanning,network connections monitoring and more. For more information, please visit:

Password Recovery Software
SpotAuditor is All-in-one password recovery program that offers administrators and users a comprehensive solution for recovering passwords and other critical business information saved in users' computers. For more information, please visit:

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