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Network Security News

Researchers reveal Intel processor exploit

Monday, March 23, 2009

Two researchers presented a paper at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver last week about a network security exploit that has the ability to compromise PCs that run on Intel processors.

According to the security experts, the attack involves cache poisoning in a CPU operation mode called System Management Mode (SMM), reports.

"In this paper we have described practical exploitation of the CPU cache poisoning," the researchers wrote. "This is the third attack on SMM memory our team has found within the last 10 months, affecting Intel-based systems. It seems that the current state of firmware security, even in case of such reputable vendors as Intel, is quite unsatisfying."

A cyberattack based on the Intel exploit could potentially poison a chip's cache memory, allowing access to the SMM, according to the article. The researcher said the attack could also mean the dumping of contents of RAM used for SSM or enabling arbitrary code execution in that memory.

Intel has reportedly been working on a solution to safeguard against the exploit on SMM memory. A spokesperson told that many of the new systems are protected against the exploit. However, the researchers pointed out some of Intel's motherboards, such as the DQ35, are still vulnerable.

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